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Monday, March 21, 2011

sights, sounds, and sensations

As I sit here doing my homework, I hear a funny sound. Accompanying that funny sound is an odd vibration on my foot. Of course, it is my Sally Sue snoring herself into Nirvana.

The sights, sounds, and sensations of my little pug dog are wonderful and essential to the consistency of my life. Often, as I work feverishly to complete loads of homework, I tune out everything around me. My children will come to me for something, and I will screech out, "Not now! Don't interrupt my thought process!" Finally, when I finish, I look up, re-orient myself (oh. yeah. I am home. okay. resuming mother role now...), and discover that I have chased them all away with my intensity. Except one. She is lying by my side, loyal, true, loving, and...snoring.

Perhaps that is her coping mechanism for my tense isolation into homework. She just sweetly snores the time away. Then, when I have completed my work and can re-join the land of the living, she has but to awaken and all is well.

The life of Sally Sue is indeed sweet. And, luckily for me, she makes my life sweet too. The sweet life of Sally Sue and LizzieBob. What a pair!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have your dog, sis. Find comfort where you can. :) She is such a sweetheart, I'm having a very hard time not getting one myself. Shelly would probably run away, lol
